What I Have Learned
It's amazing how much I have learned in the past two months about being a mom. Considering I have previous experience "being a mommy" with my little brother Derek that is 10 years younger then me and my little niece Sofia that is three and a half, I thought I knew it all. Boy was I surprised at everything that I didn't know! But I have been a sponge in the Mommy and Me classes absorbing as much as I can. The first month I was in a hazy shock with the lack of sleep and adjusting from being a completely independent person to caring completely for a totally dependent little being and repetition was key. Although the same information is taught on both Tuesdays and Thursdays, I am one of the few mommys that attends both days. It is really interesting to see how far I have come when you see other first time mommys with their newborns in class. Last week a woman was in tears because breastfeeding her 2 day old baby was so painful. I was able to reassure her from experience that it will get MUCH better in the next two weeks. Today we spoke about dental hygiene for babies and weaning your baby off the breast. As part of my new bedtime routine I should be cleaning Lucas's gums and tongue with a piece of wet gauze. Also as part of my new bedtime routine, as per the "No Cry Sleep Solution" I have designated specific pajamas so that Lucas will start associating bedtime with the star sleep sac PJs. Since he is no longer swaddled, I am not sure if this will affect how long he sleeps....or if his little arms will wake him up. With that said, he keeps squirming in the monitor as I am writing this so I think it might be almost SHOWTIME!!
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