Tia Anabel
From June 9th - June 13th, la Tia Anabel came to meet little Lucas. It was sooo nice to have Anabel with us as she was great with Lucas and jumped right in to calm him and put him to sleep. Lucas was going through his 6 week growth spurt so it was an especially challenging time. Anabel taught me a maneuver which she called "the Giselle" that involved leaping an bouncing Lucas up and down as a means of lulling him to sleep. Anabel also practised her salsa moves as she put little Lucito to sleep - very creative! (Other nicknames that we have for Lucas are as follows: "Lukey Strike", "Lukey", "Chirrimplin") Anabel even came to my Mommy and Me class where I had a little melt down in the beginning of class from the stress of it all and Anabel took little Lucas as I composed myself. I was not only stressed about little Lucas eating 'round the clock with his growth spurt which equaled little sleep for me, but additionally, I had bad pain from my C-section incision that Sunday and spent every second that I was not feeding Lucas in bed sleeping for the entire day. On Wednesday, July 14th I had my 6 week follow up appointment with my OBGYN and I asked them to have an ultrasound done to make sure that I was healing properly. Everything looked just fine and the doctor recommended that I apply Mederma (an aloe product) on the scar daily. I was cleared me to exercise, and AHEM...other things. ;-) I started a walking routine of half an hour per day around the neighborhood either in the early morning or late evening so that Lucas is not bothered by the sun. I also ripped out the prego pilates tape that I used sporadically during the pregnancy and decided to give that a go again. Finally, I also decided that it was high time that I stopped using the granny panties that I was given at the hospital that were so comfortable for recovery, but so unattractive!
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