Baby milestones
Lucas was able to hold his head up by himself as you see here in this picture when he was only two weeks old. He was also smiling at his Mommy and Daddy by that time as well and shortly after was smiling at anybody and EVERYBODY that smiles hard enough at him...including the beloved butterfly rattle on his car seat. When he was one week old, he would give me a big smile after eating. These days he doesn't even wait until he's finished eating and will give me a big smile as he is still suckling from the nipple. He certainly likes food and a full belly! Lucas lost his bellybutton stub when he was twelve days old. When Lucas was three weeks old he was following objects that you move in front of him horizontally and also vertically (somewhat). We can't wait to see what he will do next and bought him a Baby Einstein play gym to encourage him to discover his hands. We also read to him every day to advance his verbal skills and have "conversations" with him. At 6 weeks he started blowing bubbles and drooling quite a bit which we think may be the beginning of his baby teeth moving around under his gums. Additionally, at about 7 weeks old Lucas stopped getting the baby rash that he would get all over his body at times. He is growing up!
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