the First Month
It seems like the first month just flew on by. The first month was filled with anxiety, some tears and many wonderful moments like in this photo. I have become a complete baby paparazzi and am constantly after Lucas with the camera. It was great having Andres's mom in town for the first two weeks so she could help us care for Lucas and share her wisdom with us. She also made a special green plantain soup which is known in Colombia for increasing a woman's milk supply. On June 8th 2010, Lucas had his first appointment with his new pediatrician, Dr. Jose Bengochea. The practise is conveniently located only blocks from our house on 135 Madeira Ave in Coral Gables. Lucas was in perfect health for his appointment and weighed 8.6 lbs, was 21 inches tall and had a head circumference of 14 cm. It was encouraging to see that he had gained weight after losing weight at the hospital. We also had the doctor look at a skin tag that Lucas has on his rear and the baby rash on his skin. Both were normal. His next appointment was scheduled for a month from birth, but we ended up bringing Lucas in on June 15th 2010 because his belly button stub had fallen off that weekend and we wanted to make sure he was healing properly. (Lucas was in bed with Andres and I when it happened and at first we had no idea what the smell was.) Lucas was also prescribed Mylicon for his gas as he frequently fusses considerably after eating. We were concerned that he had collic, but were told that a baby with collic will cry for two hours straight. Lucas weighed 8.15 lbs, was 21 3/4 inches tall and had a head circumference of 14.5 cm. On June 30th 2010, Lucas had his one month appointment. He weighed 10.6 lbs, was 22 inches tall and had a head circumference of 14 3/4 cm. We discussed taking a dosage of Vitamin D to supplement the breat milk and having a surgeon remove the skin tag. Andres and I havn't decided when would be the best time to have this done, but will ask the surgeon what level of pain Lucas will experience so we can make the best decision. Once again, our pediatrician reassured us that the skin tag wasn't a problem, but that it might irritate Lucas in the future. Lucas will recieve his first vaccines on his next appointment which is on August 9th 2010. In the meantime, I am only taking Lucas out of the house very infrequently. I did have to take him to a show our listing for sale in the St. Tropez on Miami Beach as Andres was at a closing. Speaking of work, I went on two listing appointments during the first month and continue to work from home, although Andres goes on the brunt of the appointments for now. On another topic, it has been nice to have the World Cup Soccer to watch during this first month and into Lucas's second month. On Saturday June 29th 2010, I met my friend Manni at Novecento in Coral Gables to watch Argentina play Germany. It was my first real outing so I was very excited and celebrated with a mimosa. Too bad that Argentina lost 0:4! The night before Andres took over baby duty and it was the only night since Lucas was born that I was able to sleep through the night. Andres and I discussed alternating nights so that we could each get sleep on the off nights, but that quickly changed when Lucas went on another Boob Strike.
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