Stroller, Sling or Front Carrier...
...what do you think? As mentioned previously, I have started walking for half an hour either in the early morning or late evening (and sometimes both) in an effort to get out and about with Little Lukey AND regain my previous figure. I am pleased to say that not only have I shaved off 35 lbs from my peak prego weight, BUT I have lost the horrendous second chin and cellulite that was creeping up on my arms. Stretch marks is a different story...we won't go there as that will surely take much longer to correct. Anyways, back to my original point, I currently own a sling, a stroller and a front carrier. From what I remember with my little neice Sofia, she loooved going for a ride in the stroller as that would put her right to sleep. A ride in the car would also calm her down and get her to sleep. NOT LUCAS. Out of the 12 or so times he has been in a car, he has screamed his bloody head off for 10 of those rides. He cries so hard that when we get to our destination you can hear a gurgley sound in his throut. It's awful. Especially since there is precious little that I can do to calm him down. Not even the butterfly rattles attached to the seat that he likes so much and I have caught him smiling at on several occassions calms him down. I tried putting a chupo in his mouth, but he spits it right out. All I can do is hold his little hand, as he clings onto my finger for dear life, and tell him it's going to be ok. Talk about anxiety invoking..UGH! The first few times I experienced Lucas' "Road Rage" I felt so extremely anxious that my voice almost felt trapped in the back of my throut as I would try to tell him it would be ok while croaking out a lullaby. Faith from my Mommy and Me class suggested that I roll down the windows and turn up the music in the car. Another mommy in the class said that if he is crying so hard then that must mean I am not driving fast enough. ;-) Lucas functions slightly better in the stroller. However, it certainly does not have the calming effect that it produces in so many other babies! During my walks Lucas is calm, actually has this strange "deer in headlights" look on his face for the first 20 - 25 minutes or so. After that, the tears roll down and the crying begins. A solution that I came up with is to take him out of the stroller and carry him as I push the stroller. It is quite an effort to carry him as I push the stroller, but certainly better than hearing the heart wrenching crying. Recently, however, I started tucking the front carrier under the stroller and plopping Lucas in THAT to stop the I push the stroller. Finally, I ditched the stroller and now only go walking with Lucas in the front carrier. Lucas has always held up his head on his own very well since he was around two weeks old, so that is not an issue. Regarding the sling, my sister Gabriela gave me the sling that she used for Sofia, but Lucas seemed to big for it. So I ordered a larger one. I had Faith from Mommy and Me show me how to use it as it can be scary to useif you don't know how. Lucas absolutely hated it. Faith suggested putting him in the sling outside as babies seem to like being outside better since the cold from the AC bothers them much more than heat. I will try that and see how that goes before throwing in the towel on the sling and stickin' to just the front carrier.
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