On December 19th 2009, I had my amniocentesis done. Andres and I were told at that appointment, beginning of the 2nd trimester, that we were having a boy! We were very excited. I wasn't nervous about the amnio as both my sister and mom had said that it was no big deal..simply a prick on your belly. The nurses and doctors all told me that it simply wasn't necessary for me to have this proceedure done since I was just about to turn 34 at the time and it is only required of women 35 and over, but I insisted on having it done for peace of mind. I researched that the risk to the fetus was so minimal and many "problems" couldn't be directly linked to the amnio. I was more relieved to be done with the 1st trimester as that is when women face the highest incidence of miscarriage: 1 in 5 - Ouch! I am happy to report that my nausea did get slightly better as well, although I continued to "pray to the porcelain god"..when I made it to the toilet bowl, that is!
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