Sleep Studies
As I am reading the No Cry Sleep Solution, I am trying to work towards getting Lucas on something that resembles a schedule and get him sleeping through the night. The book was recommended by Faith Ploude and it is excellent so far - I am half way through it and have learned so much. I have also created charts to track when Lucas is sleeping during the day and night and what pre-bed routine I have established. I learned that the MORE baby sleeps during the day, the more he will sleep at night...and here I had been trying to have Lucas not sleep that much during the day. In the next week, I will look over the results from the charts and see if I can figure out what Lucas's schedule is like before getting him to mold into mine. We have not made any tremendous progress as of yet, but have established a rather nice bedtime routine that has him sleeping from 8 or 9pm - 1 or 2 am. From there, he is still pretty much waking up at 3 am and 6 am to feed although a few times, he has only woken up at 1 or 2 and then slept until 6 or 7 am. Anyways, our evening routine is as follows: 7 pm --> half hour walk around neighborhood in stroller. 7:30 pm --> bath time 8 pm --> nurse in dark bedroom with Mozart's Clarinet Concerto and sleep.
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