Almost 2 Months Old
I can hardly believe that Lucas will be 2 months old on Sunday - time flies! Lucas was born 9 lbs even and was in the 75th percentile of all babies born. Now weighing 12 lbs he has moved down to the 50th percentile. He has a fiery personality and is constantly either smiling forcefully at everyone he meets or crying ferociously because something is bothering him. From what I can gather, crying generally means one of the following is bothering him (in this order): he's hungry, he has gas, he has a dirty diaper...and lately I've discovered he can be quite the crankster when he's tired as well. I am really working hard with my sleep study guided by the book "No Cry Sleep Solution" as I would really like to get some of my independance back AND a full night's sleep would be pretty sweet as well. We have not made that much progress as of yet and Lucas's daytime nap schedule is completely erratic. He will nap for little half hour to 45 minute nuggets which is not even considered a nap according to the book. Between birth and 4 mths it says he should be sleeping between 6-7 hours during the day and he has slept a total of 2 hours today! Because of this, Andres and I are giving him his bath a little early so we can put him to sleep for the night a bit earlier. The NCSS book stated that the MORE a baby sleeps during the day the MORE they will sleep at night. Additionally, it said to make night time sleep different from daytime naps so I have started putting Lucas to sleep anywhere except his crib during the day and in his crib only at night. I have also started letting him sleep belly down during the day under very close supervision. Finally, in the mornings when he gets up at 5 or 6 am...especially on those nights when he has already woken me up at 3 am, I bring him into bed with me and feed him in my sleep. Not literally, but I lie on my side and prop Lucas up with pillow on his side and feed him. Another trick that I have started is doing the "Dream Feed" in the middle of the night. I take him out of bed at 1 or 2 in the morning and without waking him up completely bring him to the breast. The first time I tried this, little Lucas was too asleep and there was nothing that I could do to get him to eat so I finally put him back in his crib.
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