First Outing - World Cup Soccer Match at Novecento
It has been nice to have the World Cup Soccer to watch during part of June and July. On Saturday June 29th, I met my friend Manni at Novecento in Coral Gables to watch Argentina play Germany. It was my first real outing so I was very excited and celebrated with a mimosa. It is too bad that Argentina lost 4:0 but I had a great time none the less! The night before Andres took over baby duty and it was the only night since Lucas was born that I was able to sleep through the night. Andres and I discussed alternating nights so that we could each get sleep on the off nights, but that quickly changed when Lucas went on a Boob Strike. Getting him back on the breast the next day was torturous as we fed him milk from an eyedropper to avoid using another bottle until he transitioned back to the boob. He has not had a bottle since then and plan on only feeding him ONE BOTTLE per day when I introduce a bottle again in the next couple of weeks.
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