Thursday, July 29, 2010
Observant little guy
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My Two Cents on Pregnancy
1. Don't listen to what anyone else has to say about what you should and should not eat. That is between you and your baby. My baby wanted me to eat a lot of carbs and that helped me fight the horrible nausea. It's the only time in your life that it will be ok to eat junk since you're going to get fat regardless - might as well have fun doing it!
2. You should take it easy during the first trimester. It is the most important developmental trimester for the baby.
3. You should forget about wearing mascara for the next 9months...and you may want to extend that for a few months
after the baby arrives. Pregnancy did cause me to be a little
more emotional and being nauseous all the time didn't help!
4. Always plan each outing and carry snacks with you. Not
only was I nauseous if I didn't eat every two hours, but once I
also felt my blood pressure go down and I needed to eat
5. Don't make yourself crazy by actually going to Target or Babys R Us (or whichever store you happen to choose) to select items for your registry. It is way too overwhelming as there are sooo many choices! I found it much easier to select items online where I could read all the reviews left by other mommies and make decisions based on the reviews.
6. Don't put clothes on your baby registry. Your friends and family will buy you TONS of clothes anyway - they don't need any additional encouragement.
7. Remove your wedding and engagement bands a month or two before your due date. You don't want your rings to become uncomfortably stuck on your finger.
8. If anyone asks you how many babies are you having during your last trimester, tell them you have quints!
9. You may want to consider sleeping on an inflatable mattress during the last month. It was much more comfortable for me as my sides tended to go numb from the added weight. A prego pillow was also helpful so that you have something to rest your extended belly on at night. (The pregnancy pillows are those extra long pillows that are almost as long as you are.)
10. Your memory will go from bad to worse - accept it and expect it!
Stroller, Sling or Front Carrier...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What I Have Learned
Monday, July 26, 2010
Getting Back into Shape
Almost 2 Months Old
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sleep Studies
Mommy and Me class
First Date Night Fiasco
Tia Anabel
First Outing - World Cup Soccer Match at Novecento

Baby milestones
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Many Visitors and the Social Smile
the First Month

Lactation Consultant to the RESCUE!
My Stay at Baptist Hospital
By the night of the second day, I was able to walk around a bit wheeling my IV around with me. I felt a lot of pressure from my incision but the pain was not too bad in the beginning. When it intensified, I took a motrin, but worked my way to percocet on the third day when the anesthesia wore off and I could really feel some discomfort. My doctor came to see me every morning to see how I was doing.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
the Big Day

On the morning of June 1st 2010, I woke up at 4 am with the very beginning symptoms of labor. Funny thing that Lucas would have been born on his due date regardless of whether or not a surgery was preformed. What a good boy! This was to be my first time not only staying in a hospital, but having surgery of any kind. Regardless, the only time that I was nervous was when I was being wheeled into the operating room on the gurney. I decided right there and then that it was going to be okay and I wasn't going to panic. It helped that I was allowed to have my Ipod player and had Haydn's Trumpet Concerto playing in the background as Lucas popped out from my belly. As soon as I decided I wasn't going to be nervous, my only other concern was that I was completely numb, which happened minutes after being lifted onto the operating table. I couldn't feel anything from my belly button down. It was an odd feeling indeed! As the surgery was about to begin, Andres entered the room wearing scrubs and a mask. I felt like I was in a scene from "ER". As part of my Birthing Plan, I asked that the screen separating the surgery from my head be lifted as Lucas was emerging from my belly. You can't imagine my surprise when I saw this head full of hair pop out! I could hardly believe that it was my baby..or that it was a baby at all for that matter and not a toddler. After the baby was cleaned and Andres had cut the umbilical cord, they placed the baby next to my head and it seemed so surreal. After the operation I was wheeled to the recovery room and was REALLY anxious to be able to leave so that I could be with my baby. It felt so strange to have just given birth and not be able to be with him. I had also planned on breast feeding right away if it had been a vaginal delivery as I had read that that is best for the baby. They wouldn't let me leave the room until I was able to put my legs upright in a bent position, which took almost an hour. Shortly after that, I was wheeled into my hospital room in the maternity ward where I would remain for the next three nights. The nurse that greeted me in my room told me that it would take about three hours for Lucas to be prepared in the nursery, but my parents that had already been to the nursery to see him said that he already looked ready. When I told the nurse that, she said that she didn't want to bother the nursery as they were very busy. I told her that wasn't acceptable and that someone needed to go check on him right away and bring him to me immediately if he was ready as I didn't want to be apart from him any more time then was necessary. Lucas was put in my arms ten minutes later.
Birthing Class at Baptist Hospital
Andres and I signed up for the last possible birthing class at Baptist hospital (before our little bundle of joy was due) - May 1st and May 8th 2010 (Saturday classes from 9am - 2pm)...Yup, a little procrastination on our part! Between preparing for the baby shower, putting together the registry, setting up the nursery AND maintaining a heavy work load it fell to the wayside. Although much of the class discussed techniques for a natural birth and I ended up having a C-section, the class was great for connecting with other first time parents, preparing our birthing plans and learning about what to expect from the new member of the family. In this photo we are swaddling baby.
the Baby Shower
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Parenting Books

many baby books as we can get our hands on! We would make frequent
trips to Barnes and Nobles and made a point of checking out the baby name books first. Coming up with a name for our little guy was not easy and it wasn't until the day before he was born that we managed in accomplishing it. I digress, the first book that we dove into was given to me by my sister Gabriela, "What to Expect When Expecting." I tried to read each part that was relevant before each doctor's appointment so I would know what questions to ask. I would type them into my Blackberry to make sure that I had all questions with me for the appointment since my memory during pregnancy was horrendous! Other books we read included:
"The Happiest Baby on the Block"
"The Baby Whisperer"
"Scream Free Parenting"
"Baby's are from Heaven"
"The Cry Free Sleep Solution"
Blood Cord Banking

arrival was to arrange for his cord blood to be stored. Thank god
my older sister had her baby first as I basically copied everything that
she did...and continue to harrass her with a million questions! We went with CBR, since that is who Gabriela used and they store the cells in
Arizona which seems to be a safe location away from earthquakes,
hurricanes, etc. Other things that I copied from Gabriela included the
hospital where she gave birth (Baptist off of Kendall Drive) and her
doctor, that she was thrilled with. It ended up being a great choice and
towards the end of the pregnancy I met the other two doctors in the
practice, since any one of the three could be there for my baby's
delivery. The only "joke" that I didn't find that hysterical was when one of
the doctors asked if I "ate Haggen Daz for breakfast" with all of
my weight gain.
Nesting - New Home

Home for the Holidays
Second Ultrasound

Friday, July 2, 2010
A Life Changing Event
Thursday, July 1, 2010

So there's a reason that I didn't start this blog when I was pregnant...and I tried! I really did. But I soon realized that I really didn't want to remember much of my pregnancy or I might never want to have another child. I'm not saying I want to have three or four kids, but possibly two. That might be nice. We haven't really made up our minds yet and kinda want to see how things go with little Lucas first...
So I found out I was pregnant the day before I was set to compete in the Escape to Miami Olympic Triathlon. Yup, that was me before getting pregnant. I competed in my first Triathlon on Sept 12th 2009 and ran my first full marathon in San Diego with Team in Training raising funds for the Leukemia and Lymphomia Society on May 31st 2009 in San Diego. I had already started training and fund raising for the next season as a mentor and signed up for the infamous "Goofy Challenge" in Orlando, FL. Basically you run a full and half marathon all in one weekend. Crazy, huh!
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