Collapsible Ice Pack- If there is a hurricane or we lose power, the last thing that I want is to spoil the milk that has taken me hours to pump. I now keep all my pumped milk in this ice pack ready to add dry ice to it. Faith also mentioned that if the breast milk does begin to defrost, it is possible to pasteurize the milk by bringing it to a boil and putting it in new plastic bags.
Born Free Sippy Cup- Recommended for babies 9 mths and older, although originally I purchased it to feed Lucas milk with should we go through another Boob Strike.
Nuby Sippy Cup- Recommended for use when babies start eating solid foods at 6 mths old. A couple of months before, I can have Lucas play with it so he gets used to it.
Tri-Flow Munchkin Bottle- This bottle is recommended by Faith because it has a shallow nipple (which more closely resembles most human nipples) and a wide base. It also has three different levels for slow, fast or medium flow. In theory it sounds great, but Andres (who is the one feeding Lucas the bottles) complained that too much air was getting in when Lucas used it. I don't question it as bottles is not my department.
The Science of Parenting- A book highly recommended by Faith. Andres is currently reading this book. It looks very interesting and like a quick read with lots of illustrations. Andres is enjoying it so far.
The No Cry Sleep Solution- I already spoke about this book in a previous entry. I am about 3/4 of the way through with it. Great book with some excellent ideas. Speaking with other mommies however, I realized that Lucas is not doing that badly in the sleep department compared to other babies.
My Brest Friend- Pillow which circles around me and buckles in place so that I have back support as I feed the baby. Since it has a flat surface, it also offers a more comfortable position for the baby as well. I have a sleep station set up in the bedroom with this pillow on a chair and a towel rolled up to support the breast that Lucas is feeding from. At night I also have the Ipod player set up ready to play Mozart's Clarinet Concerto.
Red Dog Wubbanub Pacifier- Hospital grade pacifier attached to a fuzzy red stuffed animal dog. Helps develop babies grabbing skills while soothing him...not to mention stays better in baby's mouth!
Boppy Head Nesting Pillow- Prevents baby from getting a flat head from spending too much time on their backs as infants, as that is the recommended sleep position for a baby until 6 months of age by the APA.
Ladybug Rattle- Babies love the black and white stripes and this rattle makes the most wonderful sound.
Bug Rattles for Hands and Feet- Helps baby discover hands and feet by attaching rattles to ankles and wrists. In Lucas's case it was Gramma that helped him discover his hands. :-)
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