Lucas makes new discoveries
Lucas and I went walking with little Oscar and his mommy Amy the other night and had a great time. On this particular occasion, it was a little late and both babies were not paying much attention to each other by this point. However, Lucas has smiled often at other babies, including Oscar earlier in the evening...although he prefered smiling at Amy. What a flirt! Lucas has started turning his head when he is tired or doesn't want to be bothered by the person smiling at us. Last weekend Andres and I went to a our friend Teca and Pato's birthday party and in the elevator there were to people on either side of Lucas smiling and cooing at him. It was so funny how Lucas kept moving his head from side to side to avoid both parties. Another discovery that Lucas has made is the object that he feeds from. One morning last week after his breakfast, I caught him staring at my nipple with a truly amazed look on his face. Now he will sometimes become very "talkative" and make tons of cooing sounds after eating and continues to smile in contentment. On other news, on Saturday (9 weeks after my c-section), I went running for the first time in almost a year! I ran for half an hour in almost 100 degree weather. As far as other firsts are concerned, Lucas rolled over for the first time on Wednesday, August 18th. He was in the play gym and walked his little feet up (from his stomach) with his butt in the air and flipped around. It took a lot of effort on his part and he made several attempts before he was successful. The next morning I showed Ana Maria, Martha and Andres what our little angel can do. Finally, Lucas has also progressed to size 3 Kirkland diapers from the 1-2. We found out from Andres's brother that Costco has a wonderful, and inexpensive diaper that causes very little accidents. With that said, "La Nena" Andres's aunt, came over for a bbq with "Ponce" her husband on Sunday night and Lucas was having a wonderful time laughing with her. When it was time for his bath, he peed on me as I carried him to the bath, when I put him in the bath he pooped in the bath shortly after...and THEN, he pooped in our bed the next morning! Andres and I have gotten accustomed to bringing Lukey to our bed when he awakes at 6 or 7 am so the three of us can sleep together until 9. This week Lucas stopped sleeping from 8 - 2amish and has started getting to sleep a little after 8 AND waking up at 12:30! I am not liking that trend, but he did break it last night and slept from 9pm - 3:30 so we will see what tonight will bring us...
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