Lucas stays in his crib entertaining himself for 45 minutes in the morning...

unfortunately that was an isolated incident and never repeated itself! This happened in the beginning of the week. I was stunned! I woke up when Lucas started moving around. Then he started fussing. When the fussing didn't escalate to crying, I just let him be and realized he was playing with his new found toys, his hands! Lucas loves to blow lots of bubbles as he is concentrating on his hands and grabbing the outfit he happens to be wearing or his red dog chupo as you can see in this video. Lucas has definitely started noticing other babies and smiles at them at Mommy and Me class, which is so cute to see. His latest "girlfriend" is little Sofia from class. She is 11 weeks old, Lucas likes those older women already, and she was staring and staring at Lucas and smiling like crazy as well. I can't wait to see what my little angel is going to do next! He has started gurgling so much and enjoys "telling stories" to Daddy and I. He has also gotten so strong and likes to arch his back into a plank bridge position when he gets antsy on the changing station. Lucas also enjoys kicking one of his feet while in the bath tub. I think it might be time to take the little infant hammock netting off his baby tub too.
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