Mom in town...My mom
GRAMMA! Andres and I had a wonderful week with my mom and tried to convince her into staying longer. She helped tremendously in not only entertaining Lucas, but also helping him develop his hand eye coordination. Within days, my mom set up Lucas with rattles hanging from his bouncy chair that he was first hitting and quickly grabbing. Now at 9 weeks he is also putting what he grabs in his mouth. I have also caught him sticking his arm out in front of him and inspecting his hand. It was so great having my Mums in town! We enjoyed barbecues, laughed, drank wine, went out to Casa Juancho (amazing Spanish food) and went shopping for post prego clothes including a new bathing suit. (I love Target.) We went to Miami Beach with my new bathing suit and I even have a little color now. Ooh-la-la! When Lucas was exactly 2 months old, Andres and I went on our second date night. I am happy to report that it was much more successful than the first date. I told my mother not to call me unless she felt that she couldn't handle Lucas. I didn't make the mistake to tell my mom to call me if Lucas cried for longer than 5 minutes! As it turns out, Lucas didn't wake up and Mums even sent the following message to reassure me: "Wee one is fast asleep. No worries." In fact, it's not set in stone, but Lucas these days goes to bed at around 8pm and wakes up at around 2am. Unless he is awoken by a loud noise, he will usually sleep these 6 hours. A fair amount of creeping has to happen to ensure that the little munchkin won't be disturbed. We took Lucas on his first outing as Bed, Bath & Beyond. I used the front carrier to tote him around in. My mom and I also started walking for an hour every evening (Lucas in the front carrier) and ate salads and yogurt. Gotta get my figure back ASAP! We also started giving Lucas bottles during my mom's stay. He will now have a bottle a day and I am relieved that he has accepted it. I have been getting out and about a fair share and it feels great! I went to the bi-monthly office meeting at my office for the first time in 2 months. Regarding teething, my mom does not think that Lucas is teething. She says that he puts his fingers in his mouth when he is hungry and that he blows bubbles because that is what babies do.
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