"One foot, two foot, three foot, four...I love you, forever and more!"
"North pole, south pole, east coast, west...inside, outside, baby you're the best!"
Other songs that I sing to Lucas outside of yoga are the following:
(sung as I am changing his diaper to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
"Change, change, change your diaper
Wow it's really smelly
Take it off, wipe and wash
Then I kiss your belly."
Other songs I enjoy singing are the "Intsy Bintsy Spider" song and "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family" song.We also have planned with the "Mercy Mommies" to attend baby concerts and stroll in the Fairchild Gardens with our little bundles of joy. In other news...I am back to my sleep studies with Lucas. Andres and I are now trying to "train" Lucas to put himself to sleep instead of relying on us to rock him to a slumber or abusing my boob as he uses it as a pacifier. Lucas is big as a house and is now almost 15 lbs and wearing the clothes of a 6 month old. Yikes!
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