Separation anxiety...
...missing my baby! On August 23rd (a couple of weeks ago), I made a last minute decision to attend a real estate seminar on blogging in Orlando the next day. It was both thrilling and a little nerve wrecking to think of flying the coop and being amongst grown up people for an entire day! Being the animal that I am, I went to bed at midnight, fed Lucas for the last time at 2:30 am, slept for an additional hour and was on the road by 4 am armed with my breast pump packed and ready to tote around with me all day at the seminar. Since the drive to Orlando is 4 hours, I knew that I would have to stop at some point during my drive to pump. What I hadn't taken into consideration was that I would need to find a private room with an electric outlet to plug in the pump. First stop, Duncan Donuts - bathroom: check...electric outlet: noooo! Next stop, Walgreens - bathroom: check...electric outlet: foiled again! So I explained my situation to a female employee that mentioned that there was a breakroom, but that I would run the risk of one of the male employees walking in at any moment. Since it was only 6 am, I asked her how many employees were on duty now? 6. She said she would guard the door after I gave her a desperate look and told her that it would only take 5 minutes. Thank you Claudia from the Walgreens off the Ft. Worth exit!!! I arrived at the hotel for the conference on time after my 45 minute detour looking for pumping relief. I made the mistake of downing my first cup of coffee in almost a year and felt extremely anxious. I was able to really enjoy the conference, but boy did I miss my baby! I couldn't wait to hold him again and left the seminar an hour early to avoid rush hour and make it back to put Lucas to bed at 8pm. Lucas was soooo sweet as we were going through our nighttime routine and was touching my face mouth and cheek with his precious little hands. To summarize the day, I drove over eight hours in one day on less than four hours of sleep. By the way, the picture on this post is taken from my front carrier as I am wearing Lucas.
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