Amazing progress with night time sleeping...
...and other major milestones! September 15th was the first night that little Lukey slept from 8pm - 5am (9 straight hours.) Andres and I could hardly believe it.
We were ecstatic. This was followed by two more days of the same which has since turned into over a week of unbelievably good sleeping... speckled with the occasional 3:30am wake-up. As you can see from the picture, Lucas has also learned to hold on to a sippy cup with two hands and even drinks water out of the straw! Of course I need to put a bib on him because he spills water all down his front...or maybe it's drool. He is a BIG TIME drooler these days. As far as turning over is concerned, he has been turning from his belly to his back for the past month and a half. Now, however, he squirms like a little snake from back to front to back. He also goes to sleep for naps (still in our arms as he's being bounced) with a noise that sounds not quite like crying and not quite like talking. Lucas is also laughing up a storm these days and had a great time playing with Daddy during bath time tonight. He continues to be a very social kid and really enjoys hanging with other babies. This week at Itsy Bitsy Yoga he was talking REALLY loudly and during the yoga move where we chant "I LOOOOVEE YOOUUU" a few of the mommies said that it sounded like Lucas had said I love you back. Ha, ha!
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