For the past few weeks, I have started attending a baby yoga class with a few of the other mommies from Faith's Mommy and Me class at Mercy Hospital. We all decided to meet up for extra baby activities when Faith announced that she would be out of town for a couple of weeks to attend her daughter's wedding. One of the mommies suggested a yoga class near Midtown Miami in a studio with an Itsy Bitsy Yoga instructor. Yes, that is what it's called and the moves and songs are just as cute as the name. Now that Lucas is older, he loves looking around and interacting with the other babies. He also loves many of the moves...although the moves done from his belly tire him out after a while. My favorite songs are the following:
"One foot, two foot, three foot, four...I love you, forever and more!"
"North pole, south pole, east coast, west...inside, outside, baby you're the best!"
Other songs that I sing to Lucas outside of yoga are the following:
(sung as I am changing his diaper to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
"Change, change, change your diaper
Wow it's really smelly
Take it off, wipe and wash
Then I kiss your belly."
Other songs I enjoy singing are the "Intsy Bintsy Spider" song and "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family" song.We also have planned with the "Mercy Mommies" to attend baby concerts and stroll in the Fairchild Gardens with our little bundles of joy. In other news...I am back to my sleep studies with Lucas. Andres and I are now trying to "train" Lucas to put himself to sleep instead of relying on us to rock him to a slumber or abusing my boob as he uses it as a pacifier. Lucas is big as a house and is now almost 15 lbs and wearing the clothes of a 6 month old. Yikes!
...from the completely insane to the only borderline neurotic:
1. That I will drop Lucas on the tile on his head.
2. That he will get taken from his bedroom in the night as
it is closer to the front door.
3. That I will trip and fall as I am taking him for a walk
outside in the front carrier.
4. That he has reflux.
5. That he has gas.
6. That I won't hear him crying at night.
7. That he will hurt himself from crying so hard - when Lucas
gets pissed, watch out world!
7. That I will get into a car accident with Lucas in the car.
8. That I will get into a car accident without Lucas in the car.
...and Daddy and I both made it out alive! Lucas turned 3 months old last week on September 1st and we moved his crib to his own room today. I feel like it is the end of an era and had very mixed feelings about seeing him go. I joked with Andres saying that our little boy was "going off to college." It is great to have our room back as well as access to our own bathroom again. Looking back, it was pretty invasive to have this little baby taking over our room for so long. I know that it is a big burden lifted off our relationship to be able to have Mommy and Daddy private time. With all of that said, I did shed a few tears after I came out from putting little Lukey to bed to night in his own room. I know that they grow up so fast and that seems a little scarey. I want to make sure that I enjoy every moment of this precious little life.

on August 26th in West Palm Beach - only a couple of days after my Orlando escape. If I had realized this fact, I might have thought twice about going to Orlando and being away from Lucas for so long in such a short amount of time. I had purchased the ticket for the concert before Lucas was born and thought it might be a great outing to have some fun with my friend Annette and celebrate Lucas turning three months old. Annette and I had a grrreat time! The seats were great, the music wonderful and the weather perfect. Unfortunately Lucas and Daddy didn't have such a spectacular night. This was the first time that someone other than myself was putting Lucas to sleep and he wasn't feelin' it - to say the least! I left the house at 4pm and didn't return until midnight. Lucas slept for only half an hour during that entire time and, when I waltzed through the door, Andres was sitting in the reclining chair in the dark, with the baby in arms looking very upset. I convinced Annette to leave the concert a few songs early (to avoid the massive traffic that we would surely encounter if we had stayed until the end) after receiving a text message that Lucas was behaving extremely badly. I told Andres that I should be home by midnight according to the navigator and at 11:58, I recieve a text saying "Where are you? I am going to kill him." It was ugly! A solid week of Andres sleeping in the extra room followed this incident. Lucas is wearing a Jack Johnson onesie that I bought at the concert. It is for 6 mth old babies and fits him, although a bit big. It's as if Lucas knew that he was in deep water and treading on thin ice, because the very next morning is when he laughed for the first time. I made a duck sound that he found especially hilarious - check out the video here.
...missing my baby! On August 23rd (a couple of weeks ago), I made a last minute decision to attend a real estate seminar on blogging in Orlando the next day. It was both thrilling and a little nerve wrecking to think of flying the coop and being amongst grown up people for an entire day! Being the animal that I am, I went to bed at midnight, fed Lucas for the last time at 2:30 am, slept for an additional hour and was on the road by 4 am armed with my breast pump packed and ready to tote around with me all day at the seminar. Since the drive to Orlando is 4 hours, I knew that I would have to stop at some point during my drive to pump. What I hadn't taken into consideration was that I would need to find a private room with an electric outlet to plug in the pump. First stop, Duncan Donuts - bathroom: check...electric outlet: noooo! Next stop, Walgreens - bathroom: check...electric outlet: foiled again! So I explained my situation to a female employee that mentioned that there was a breakroom, but that I would run the risk of one of the male employees walking in at any moment. Since it was only 6 am, I asked her how many employees were on duty now? 6. She said she would guard the door after I gave her a desperate look and told her that it would only take 5 minutes. Thank you Claudia from the Walgreens off the Ft. Worth exit!!! I arrived at the hotel for the conference on time after my 45 minute detour looking for pumping relief. I made the mistake of downing my first cup of coffee in almost a year and felt extremely anxious. I was able to really enjoy the conference, but boy did I miss my baby! I couldn't wait to hold him again and left the seminar an hour early to avoid rush hour and make it back to put Lucas to bed at 8pm. Lucas was soooo sweet as we were going through our nighttime routine and was touching my face mouth and cheek with his precious little hands. To summarize the day, I drove over eight hours in one day on less than four hours of sleep. By the way, the picture on this post is taken from my front carrier as I am wearing Lucas.